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Girls & Boys Day 2024

An exciting and insightful day lies behind us! At this year's Girls and Boys Day, three girls and eleven boys gained an insight into the fascinating world of Kesseböhmer and its various professions.

Our program was varied in order to offer something exciting for all participants: We started the day with a tour of the entire company. The children were allowed to visit their parents/relatives at work and drive high-bay stackers - they were overwhelmed. The day then continued with a self-designed, company-related and tricky exit game, which required teamwork and logical thinking.

The creative workshop organized by the company health management (BGM) used playful exercises to introduce the topics of stress reduction, regular exercise and healthy eating. Finally, they were able to gain practical experience in our training workshop, where their manual skills were put to the test.

The enthusiasm and curiosity of the participants was infectious. As they went through the various activities, they were able to explore their own skills and interests. It was a joy to see how the children supported each other and bravely tried out new things. There were many reasons why the children decided to take part in Girls and Boys Day at Kesseböhmer. Most of them were interested in their parents' workplace, while others wanted to take a look behind the scenes of a large company in the neighborhood. In the end, however, everyone agreed on one thing: "It was a lot of fun!".

Special thanks go to all our employees who organized this day and made it a wonderful experience by sharing their passion for their professions. The day was planned and organized largely independently by Maja Westermann, a first-year industrial clerk apprentice at frame . We hope that the girls and boys were inspired and perhaps even feel the desire to take up a profession at Kesseböhmer in the future.

Many thanks to everyone who took part! We are already looking forward to the next Girls & Boys Day to give even more young people the opportunity to discover their potential.

Press Releases

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Evening of apprenticeship in Bad Essen on 13.11.

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Girls & Boys Day 2024

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